Term 3 - Week 4
A Message from the Acting Principal
Ariarne Titmus said, “I think the biggest thing I’ve learned is that if you put your mind to something, you can achieve it. It doesn’t matter where you come from or what your background is. Anything is possible if you believe in yourself and work hard.” What a great statement, proven true when you look at Australia’s success in the Olympics.
I have experienced this same attitude over these last two weeks seeing our Year 12 students undertake their Trial examinations, the completion and submission of Major Works and begin HSC practical examinations in subjects like Dance and Languages. Watching them commit to their study in the library in the weeks leading up to exams, seeing how they’ve supported each other before and after a paper and listening to them comment on each other’s work clearly shows that they believe anything is possible with hard work and a positive attitude. This is what we want for our students at Bethany: to have a belief that with effort and support, they can reach their goals.
But it doesn’t stop there. I witness this attitude every day. This attitude is promoted and modelled by the wonderful teachers and support staff at the school through the way they encourage their students to believe in themselves and work to their potential.
One of my favourite times of the year is working with Year 11 as they begin their student leadership journey. I get the opportunity to ask Year 11 students about their vision for Year 12 and how they hope to make that happen. They focus on ways to put their personal stamp on their time at Bethany College, revealing just how much they care about our school and the beginning of their hard work to achieve their vision.
Some of our students have begun to think about their future in other ways and I was delighted to receive notice that four of our Year 11 students were successful in their application into the Step Up Into Teaching Program. SUIT is an Australian Catholic University (ACU) early entry program. It provides students currently in Year 11 considering a career in teaching the opportunity to experience learning in a university environment. Secondary school students participating in SUIT will have the opportunity to study one or two University-level Units while completing their school studies. Congratulations to the following Year 11 students: Charlotte Giamboi, Serena Dewberry, Charlotte D’Arcy and Jenna Henshaw.
These are just a few examples of this positive mindset, one which is also shaped at home by you, the parents and carers. Do not underestimate the impact your encouragement and guidance have on your children. Developing an ‘anything is possible’ mindset doesn’t just require resilience, effort, and commitment; it also takes some failures and not always getting everything you want. Young people need to learn how to bounce back in an environment where they feel cared for and supported.
Next week we have two exciting events taking place at the College; the Art and Design Showcase on Wednesday evening and Bethany Day on Friday. The Showcase is a chance for our students, across all year groups, to showcase their work but special focus is placed on the Year 12 Major Works. I love this night and look forward to seeing what the girls have produced. Bethany Day is a beautiful community day and we have a lot of fun things planned for the students. Fingers crossed the weather holds up for us.
Finally, as my time as Acting Principal draws to a close, I’d like to thank the staff for the support they have given to me over the past seven school weeks. It has been a privilege to lead the College in Ms Rodwell’s absence but we have missed her and look forward to her return on Monday.
Kristina Flanagan
Acting College Principal
From the Acting Assistant Principal
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Yesterday, we celebrated The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which holds profound significance within the Catholic tradition. Celebrated annually on August 15th, it commemorates the belief that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was taken body and soul into heavenly glory at the end of her earthly life. This dogma, solemnly defined by Pope Pius XII in 1950, accentuates Mary's unique role in salvation history and her intimate association with the divine mysteries of Christ.
One of the most evocative Gospel passages illuminating Mary's spiritual stature is the account of her visitation to Elizabeth, as narrated in the Gospel of Luke (1:39-56). Upon hearing Mary's greeting, Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, exclaims, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!" (Luke 1:42). This encounter not only emphasizes Mary's blessedness but also inspires the Magnificat, Mary's profound hymn of praise and humility.
The Magnificat, recited by Mary in response to Elizabeth's greeting, resonates deeply with themes of God's mercy, justice, and the uplifting of the humble: "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior... He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly" (Luke 1:46-52). This prayer encapsulates Mary's total surrender to God's will and her recognition of His mighty works. In the context of the Assumption, the Magnificat gains even greater depth, symbolising the culmination of Mary's earthly journey marked by unwavering faith and obedience. Her assumption into heaven becomes the ultimate affirmation of God's promise to "lift up the lowly," positioning Mary as a beacon of hope and a model for all the faithful.
Thus, the Assumption not only honors Mary's singular grace but also invites believers to contemplate the destiny that awaits all who, like Mary, embrace God's call with humility and trust. Through the lens of the Visitation and the Magnificat, Catholics are reminded of the transformative power of faith and the eternal rewards promised to those who magnify the Lord with their lives. Consistent with Bethany College’s motto, which includes, walking humbly with God, the Assumption of Mary serves as a profound example of this humble walk, demonstrating that it is through such humility and faithfulness that one can hope to reap the eternal rewards promised by God.
Thank you
I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to the Year Coordinators, Mrs Buxton, Leader of Wellbeing and Mrs Flanagan, Acting Principal for their support over the past 10 weeks while I served as the Acting Assistant Principal. Their dedication to the pastoral care of Bethany students has been nothing short of exceptional. The role they play not only ensures their wellbeing but also complements their academic growth.
Their commitment, compassion, and tireless efforts have made a significant difference to the entire school community and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to walk beside them. It was truly inspiring to witness their leadership and care in action each day.
Important Dates for Term 3
12th August | Year 10 Wellbeing Day Year 11 English Excursion |
13th August | Year 8 Allwell Testing |
16th August | Year 7 Vaccinations 6.30 - 10.30pm: Vinnie Night Patrol |
18th August | Bullying No Way Day |
19th August | Year 12 Trial Exams |
9th - 23rd August | Book Week |
20th August | Year 10 BStreet Smart |
21st August | Athletics Combined Conference Year 11 Legal Studies Law Day out Year 8 Allwell Catch-up testing 5.00 - 8.00pm: Art & Design Showcase |
23rd August | Bethany Day |
25th August | 6.00 - 8.00pm: Youth Mass |
27th August | 6.00 - 8.00pm: Year 12 Music Showcase |
4th September | Year 12 PDHPE excursion |
6th September | Year 12 Wellbeing Day |
9-13 september | Year 11 Assessment Free Week Term 3 Parent Evening |
10 September | Stage 5 Performing Arts Showcase |
12 September | R U OK Day SCS Spring Competition Conference Finals |
13 September | SCS Girls softball Gala Day 6.15 - 10.15pm: Vinnies Night Patrol |
16-27 September | Year 11 Exam Block |
24 September | Year 12 Graduation 5.00pm - 6.00pm: Graduation Mass 6.00pm: -11.00pm: Graduation Dinner Year 7 Science Excursion (Symbio) Year 9 Wellbeing Day |
27 September | Staff Spirituality Day |
Sara Camporeale
Acting Assistant Principal
Religious Education
Year 11 Studies of Religion gain insight into Islam during Excursion to the Auburn Gallipoli Mosque
As part of their Studies of Religion curriculum, Year 11 students recently had the opportunity to visit the Auburn Gallipoli Mosque. This excursion offered a profound, firsthand exploration of Islam, one of the world's major religious traditions, allowing students to immerse in the living religious system in a meaningful way.
The visit began with an exploration of the mosque’s impressive architectural features. Students were fascinated by the mosque’s elegant dome and minaret, and the orientation of the mosque towards Mecca, highlighted by its qibla wall, demonstrated how architecture and faith are intertwined in Islamic worship.
The practical aspects of Islamic worship were also a central part of the visit. Students explored the ritual of wudu, the ceremonial washing performed before prayer, emphasising the importance of purity and preparation in Islamic practice. They learned about the five daily prayers, or Salah, and their role in fostering a constant awareness of God. The significance of fasting during Ramadan, a period of spiritual reflection and self-discipline, was also explained, demonstrating how these practices reinforce faith and build community among Muslims.
This visit to the Auburn Gallipoli Mosque provided Year 11 students with valuable insights into Islam, bridging classroom learning with real-world experience. By engaging with the mosque’s architecture and understanding core beliefs and practices, students developed a deeper appreciation of Islam as a vibrant and living religious system. This immersive experience not only enhanced their knowledge but also fostered respect and understanding of diverse religious traditions.
Please RSVP via this link by Thursday 22 August 2024.
Jessica Touma
Acting Leader of Religious Education and Mission
Teaching and Learning Update
Staff Professional Development and Your Daughter
Throughout this year our teaching staff have completed considerable professional development both internally and externally. The aim of this is to ensure that the education your child receives is the best possible education for them to grow and develop as an individual.
As a learning community this year we have focussed our attention on THREE key areas:
- Cognitive load theory
- AI (Artificial Intelligence) in education and
- Data in the education sector
Cognitive load theory looks at strategies that teachers can use to reduce the information overload that students are faced with when learning a new concept/s and how best to ingrain these concepts into student long-term memory by connecting it to existing schema (i.e. prior knowledge/understanding). Staff began the year looking at Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction which outline 10 principles that research has shown reduce the cognitive load of students and increase long-term memory retention. These have been ingrained in the lessons taught to your daughter throughout this year with each faculty using different methods to adhere to these principles. The 10 principles of instruction are:
- Daily review - reviewing the content learnt in previous lessons
- Present new material using small steps/chunks.
- Ask questions to gauge student understanding and misconceptions and then address these
- Provide models for students to use to develop their own responses
- Guide Student practice - step by step explicit instruction
- Check for student understanding through questioning and formative tasks
- Obtain a high success rate - ensure that at least 80% of class or of the concepts/content is understood before moving on
- Provide scaffolds for difficult tasks.
- Independent practice - allowing students once they have developed the skills to practise utilising them
- Weekly and monthly review - regular reviews of previous learnt material
If parents would like further information on these principles a summary sheet has been attached HERE. These are not only beneficial here at school but parents can also engage with these as they support their child at home.
AI in education has been a major point of discussion in the media of late. This year our staff have been lucky enough to learn from one of the leaders in AI in the education field Professor Matt Bower from Macquarie University. Professor Bower is a renowned expert in the innovative use of technology for learning, and he exposed staff to a variety of AI platforms that have been created for the education sphere. Staff were able to discuss the pitfalls of AI but also the wide variety of benefits that it provides our sector with. Like all parts of the economy, AI has the potential to radically transform the landscape in which your daughter learns and we wanted to ensure that staff are on the frontfoot with this technology. With this technology still in its infancy we are still making decisions on how best to implement and educate your child about this technology. We have created an AI Committee to discuss the technology and how best to implement and assist our students to navigate this rapidly changing space. We do believe though as a school that learning requires effort and practice. No amount of AI use in regards to effort and practice will build a learner’s skill and confidence to approach the next effortful learning task.
Data is something that all organisations analyse to determine where their strengths and areas for improvement lie. At our most recent professional learning day staff engaged with a wide variety of data platforms that the school uses to assess the learning of your child. We looked at the latest test results from NAPLAN, PAT, AAS and also a range of school data and the platforms on which this data is available to our school. The aims of the day were to:
- Develop an understanding of the structure, purpose, types of data and benchmarks provided on various platforms
- Enhance skills in analysing and interpreting data trends and patterns from these platforms
- Apply data insights to inform teaching strategies and improve student learning outcomes for individual students and classes.
Staff could immediately see the benefits that this information will have in numerous areas from lesson delivery, to resource development, creation of individual learning plans and also assisting you, the paren,t to understand where your daughter is currently at and areas in which she needs to work on to continue to grow. A number of these platforms also provide resources for teachers to utilise and edit to be able to use in their lessons.
As you can see the staff this year have been busy looking at a variety of important changes and influences in the learning landscape. Our aim as the leaders of teaching and learning here at Bethany is to give your daughter every opportunity to grow and we feel that by developing the skills of our staff this will be achieved in the most effective way.
Sarah Rowland Cameron Paff
Leader of Curriculum Leader of Data & Growth
From the Leader of Wellbeing
Attendance Matters
Attendance to date 2024
Year 7 | 95% |
Year 8 | 91.1% |
Year 9 | 90.3% |
Year 10 | 89.4% |
Year 11 | 92.9% |
Year 12 | 94.2% |
AVERAGE Attendance | 92.2% |
It is pleasing to see that the attendance figures are healthy at Bethany and continuing to improve. I value the conversations I have with students who can tell me their percentage attendance and explain why it is important. Our average attendance this year hovers around 92% which is about 1% higher than last year’s averages. Whilst not a huge increase it is certainly in the right direction and I think that the conversations that parents and staff are having with the girls about the importance of attendance is paying off. Please continue to explain any absences on Compass, be they for whole or partial days.
Term 3 Parent Engagement evening:
Monday September 9th from 6 ~ 7 pm
- Senior Constable Adam Taylor Miranda Police Station is the Youth Engagement Officer for the local area. Sr Constable Taylor will be presenting on policing, the law and how this can impact your child.
Term 3 Parent Engagement evening ➔ Week 8 Monday September 9th ➔ 6 p.m. ~ 7 p.m. ➔ Please RSVP here to indicate your attendance on this night |
Year 8 Enlighten Education Incursion: Empowering Our Girls
On the 1st of August, Year 8 students had the privilege of participating in the Enlighten Education incursion, facilitated by the inspiring Joy. This engaging and thoughtful session was designed to empower young girls to navigate the complexities of adolescence and beyond with confidence, kindness, and critical thinking.
Joy led the girls through activities that fostered peer bonding, helping to strengthen their connections with each other in a supportive and positive environment. A key takeaway from the day was the introduction of gratitude journals, a simple yet powerful tool to help the students reflect on the positive aspects of their lives, fostering a mindset of appreciation and self-awareness.
A central focus of the incursion was on developing the necessary skills to make safe and important decisions about all relationships. The students were encouraged to critically assess their connections with others, ensuring they prioritise respect, kindness, and boundaries. This is especially relevant as they navigate their teenage years and form increasingly complex relationships.
The discussion on body image, negative stereotyping, and sexism was particularly impactful. Joy challenged the girls to reconsider harmful societal norms that often emphasise unrealistic standards of beauty and to recognise the damaging effects of media images that perpetuate the fixation on being thin. Through these conversations, the students were empowered to embrace their individuality and reject limiting stereotypes.
The Year 8 Enlighten Education incursion was an inspiring and informative experience that left the girls with tools to make healthier, more confident choices in their lives.
A big thank you to the Year 8 homeroom teachers, who were actively involved throughout the day, providing support and encouragement to the students during this valuable learning experience.
Marina Nashed
Year 8 Coordinator
Parent information sessions that may be useful:
- Parent Webinar series from Elevate Education for Term 3
- Council of Catholic school parents is hosting the following webinar on September 11:
Free Webinar for Parents and Carers
Breaking Point: Unpacking the crisis in youth mental health
7pm - 8pm
CLICK TO REGISTER FOR THE WEBINAR https://ccsp.schoolzineplus.com/form/61
Dr Justin Coulson will host an engaging, professional webinar for parents and carers that discusses mental health issues in our children and young people.
Justin is a captivating speaker who aims to leave his audience with genuine ‘how-to’s’ so they can help their kids right now.
Join Dr Justin Coulson, Australia's leading parenting expert, as he unpacks the mental health crisis enveloping our kids. He'll cover:
- The root causes behind the deteriorating state of mental health, and who (or what) is responsible
- The tools you need to reverse this trend for your children
- Science-backed, relationship-focused strategies to remedy school refusal
- Realistic approaches for managing screen time in a way that protects your child's wellbeing without completely alienating them from their peers
- Creating margin in your home and family life to protect and promote mental wellness
This isn't just a workshop; it's a call to action. Join the conversation and be part of a dynamic, interactive experience where we collaborate to reshape the future of your children's mental health. Hear real stories, explore innovative solutions, and discover practical strategies to empower your kids.
Once registered you can access the recording at a later date.
An article from Headspace follows on School refusal. Although affecting a small percentage of students across the country, the impacts for these students and families are significant. Although this may not apply to your daughter, she may have friends who are not coming to school for a variety of reasons. This can be confusing for students in trying to understand the reasons for the school refusal and navigating friendships in this environment.
We can all sometimes feel unmotivated or not want to go to work. Young people too can experience this and these experiences are normal.
Sometimes though, the idea of going to school can be cause for severe distress for a young person and can result in a reluctance to go to school and an increase in nonattendance. High levels of distress and a reluctance to go to school is known as school refusal.
Young people might appear to be feeling ill or unhappy the morning before school with a desire to stay home. They might have an emotional reaction at the idea of leaving for school in the morning.
There are often several factors that can contribute toward the development of school refusal behaviours including individual, family, school and the community. A young person may be experiencing anxiety, their parents may be separating, they may have transitioned from primary to secondary school or experiencing challenges with peers such as bullying. There can be a range of underlying factors that result in severe distress associated with school.
School refusal is different from truancy, as often family and friends know that a young person is not attending school. Often, family and friends are unable to get a young person to attend school despite their best efforts.
The good news is that with some strategies and the right support, things can get better for your young person.
Effects of school refusal
School refusal can negatively impact a young persons’ learning and development. It can affect friendships as well as social standing due to missed opportunities to connect with friends and other students.
The longer the issue persists, the more difficult it can be for your young person to get back into the routine of going to school, so it’s important to respond early.
You can support your young person by: ● finding a time when you both seem calm, then ask your young person about their concerns and worries about school. These issues can start to be addressed if they are known. Sometimes it can help to ask direct questions: ○ Are you being bullied? ○ Are you struggling with school work? ○ Are you having issues with the teachers? ○ Is something else bothering you? ● exploring different ways your young person can try to manage their worries. Focus on their strengths and ways to positively engage in day-to-day activities ● learning relaxation techniques together, such as breathing exercises, or meditation, to help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety ● creating a plan together that explores ways to manage the beginning of the school day, school term, school year, social situations or school work, depending on what is troubling your young person ● speaking to the school and developing a collaborative plan. A clear and well understood plan between a young person, parents or carers and the school can be a useful tool in addressing school refusal ● considering if your young person may benefit from professional support to assist them with strategies and to better understand the underlying reasons for their school refusal. |
Charlotte Buxton
Leader of Wellbeing
Year 10 Wellbeing Day
For our Year 10 Well-being Day, we were given an incredible opportunity to learn about the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) and raise funds to support their organisation. The theme of the day was "Welcome," which aligns with our year's value. We embraced this theme through various activities throughout the day by engaging in a liturgy to acknowledge refugees and acceptance of others, class trivia games, and listening to the empowering stories of refugees who have faced many adversities and continue to face significant challenges throughout their lives.
One of the highlights from our day was our multicultural food stall, where we raised over a thousand dollars to contribute to the JRS. This experience helped us gain a deeper understanding of the diversity within our community and appreciate the access we have to quality education and resources, which empower us to build a brighter future. As teenagers, we are at a stage in our lives where we are forming our identities, values, and beliefs. The stories we hear and the experiences we learn about during this time will shape the kind of adults we become. Listening to the stories of refugees is not just about understanding their struggles, it's about developing empathy, broadening our perspectives, and challenging the stereotypes that are often perpetuated by the media. We really enjoyed listening to their experiences as it made us grateful for what we have.
We concluded the day by joining our little sisters and talking to them about how their year is going and further welcoming them to our school. I had a lot of fun today and hope we can do something like this again. The day was a huge eye opener for our year group, as it brought us closer as a cohort and was a great idea for us to let go of any stress we had and have fun as a year group. We gained a deeper appreciation for our differences and showed how we can come together to celebrate our cultures while also contributing to a meaningful cause, reinforcing our gratitude and commitment to helping and welcoming others.
By Rihanna Saadie, Serra Kazzi and Mya Momiroski
Sport Update
Term 3 Sport commences next week for AFL and Rugby 7s, as teams did not play this week due to wet weather and ground closures.
Good luck to the following students who will be competing at the Sydney Catholic Schools Conference Athletics Championships next week on Wednesday 21st August at Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Track.
Sofia Testor | Sophia Flarakos |
Alyssa Dimitrievski | Lauren Thang |
Alexia Mendes | Lucy Teplicanec |
Eleni Angelopoulos | Estelle Swindon |
Taylar Reed | Nadia Debbo |
Victoria Alepheris | Emelia Lam |
Cassandra Greenhalgh | Despina Michales |
Amelia Romero | Audrey Paige |
Sophie Humphreys | Jessie Culhane |
Lilly Molachino | Lilu Ciraolo |
Monique Johnson | Lily Croker |
Ashley Cabot | Anna Moore |
Olivia Nimmo | Jessica Ryan |
Isabella Berrio Montoya | Charlotte Teplicanec |
Felicia Greco | Mandy Carmody |
Ceanna Swindon | Stefani Bosevska |
Chloe Peach | Yasmina Smith |
Orla McNally | Hannah Cabot |
Sienna Ngatuvai | Alana Dimoska |
Rachel Bevan
Sport Coordinator
Olympic Challenge
Bethany College students got into the Olympic Spirit in Week 2.
Each Homeroom received an Olympics Challenge booklet and kahoots to play each morning in Pastoral Care. Every year group also competed for Gold Medals in a Basketball shoot off!
The following Homerooms were the Olympic Champions:
Yr 7 - White
Yr 8 - Silver and White - TIE
Yr 9 - Orange
Yr 10 - Purple
Yr 11 - Purple
Year 7 White
Year 8 Silver
Year 8 White
Year 9 Orange
Year 10 Purple
Year 11 Purple
Bethany Oliver
PDHPE Coordinator
Library News
Book Week - ‘Reading is Magic’
Book Week is arguably the biggest event in the school library calendar! It gives us the opportunity to celebrate reading, school libraries and the people who bring books to children – from booksellers to school library staff, parents, teachers and beyond. We are very excited to celebrate all things to do with reading. There is much fun to be had and lots to celebrate.
The theme for 2024 is ‘Reading is Magic’. It is a theme that encompasses many truths about reading - its ability to inspire us in more ways than we realise. By reading, we can be transported to different worlds and times. We can meet characters we love, hate and admire - all at the same time. We can build empathy and understanding towards others by learning about their adversities. Reading can also inspire us to consider the world through a different lens. Reading truly is magical!
Our plans to celebrate Book Week in style are well and truly underway! The library will once again be transformed. This year, our displays will be inspired by favourite books from our childhood that have been transformed into Disney movies. Winnie the Pooh, Peter Pan and Mary Poppins to name a few.
Next week each PC will receive a star - Each student is invited to add the name of a book that has brought magic to their life. It could also be based on a character or author that has been magical for them. These stars will be added to our library displays. Students are encouraged to come and visit our magical space. Below are some photos that capture some of the magic happening!
Book Week Activities and Competitions
We have such an exciting week ahead planned. There are so many opportunities to be involved in Week 5. Below is the schedule of what is available throughout the week and on specific days.
If students would like to participate in the Escape Room activity after school on Thursday (3- 4pm), they will need to complete a Google Form that will appear on Compass next week.
Book Art Competition
There is also an exciting Book Art Competition that will be judged by various people for some great prizes. Please see the details below. We know there are incredibly talented artists in Bethany, so we can’t wait to see what our students produce!
Guest Speaker - Adam Axford
To launch Book Week on Monday 19th August, we are fortunate to have all grades seeing a guest speaker. Adam Axford is a magician and poet. Much of his work uses magic to highlight the power of language and the importance of being articulate. In Adam’s shows, he uses riddles, rhymes and tricks of the mind. It is bound to be fun and magical!
On Monday, 19th August, each year group will be going directly to the Hall in the following periods:
Period 1 - Year 11
Period 2 - Year 9
Period 3 - Year 10
Period 4 - Year 8
Period 5 - Year 7 (Amadeus lessons will still go ahead as normal for classes who have it scheduled during Period 5)
We look forward to the magical week ahead!
Alison Sladen
Careers News
Career Conversations at Home | Parent Workshop with Arrive & Thrive
Career conversations at home are vital for young people to make informed decisions about what they want to pursue post-high school. Arrive & Thrive runs a parent webinar to support career conversations at home and foster a supportive environment. The webinar includes an introduction to the GROW coaching model and Free Career Conversation Dinner Menu. Email hello@arrivethive.com.au
Doctor of Medicine Applicants Western Sydney University
Midnight AEST 27 September - Applications close via UAC
Midnight AEST 27 September - Community Member Confirmation Forms close (*REAS candidates lodged with UAC application)
End October - Applicants invited to interviews/ assessments
Late November - MMI interviews
The purpose of our admissions process is to identify students who will learn and thrive in the environments in which we teach and from which our medical students build their careers.
Medicine is a physically and mentally challenging profession where practitioners are often required to put the interest of their patients over their own.
The Joint Program in Medicine is a five-year undergraduate degree which aims to help candidates develop necessary skills for practice of medicine.
Western Sydney University Music Auditions
To audition for the degree, book a time through the link below. You will be asked to perform two short, contrasting pieces or songs (or excerpts of two pieces) and/or perform one piece and present one or more compositions as scores and/or recordings. Works performed can be covers or originals, performed solo or with accompanying musicians or with backing tracks on your phone.
Auditions will be held at the Kingswood campus or on Zoom, on the following dates:
- November 26
- November 28
Discover Western Webinar - Applying to Western and Receiving an Early Offer
3 September
Hear from Western staff and current students about our HSC True Reward Early Offer program, how to accept your early offer and change preferences, other alternate entry programs and more.
University of Sydney - Dalyell Scholars
Students who achieve an ATAR of 98* or above (or equivalent) can access enrichment opportunities to extend their academic and leadership capabilities through our innovative Dalyell Scholars stream.
As a Dalyell Scholar, you will complete distinctive Dalyell units of study with other high achievers and have access to the following enrichment opportunities.
- Accelerated learning options, such as early access to advanced units of study in your chosen field and enrichment units outside of your discipline.
- Access to the specialised Mathematical Sciences program.
- Tailored mentoring and professional skill development.
- Optional domestic enrichment activities and international experiences to develop your global
perspective, including access to the Dalyell Global Mobility Scholarship valued at up to $2000.
- Additional opportunities are available in the Business School and Faculty of Science.
Sydney College of the Arts Portfolio Evening
10 September
Don’t miss the opportunity to join us at the Sydney College of the Arts Portfolio Evening, in-person, for tailored feedback and valuable insights to elevate your portfolio to support your application.
Your portfolio is a key part of your application to study a Bachelor of Visual Arts or Bachelor of Visual Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies at the University of Sydney.
As part of the Portfolio Evening, you’ll be able to speak with our experienced staff to:
- gain personalised, one-on-one feedback and advice on your current portfolio and how to enhance your submission
- receive information about our degrees, specialised facilities, and student opportunities inside and outside the classroom.
Event is also available online
University of Sydney Webinar - Your Guide to the Bachelor of Commerce and Business
4 September
Join us to discover more about the Bachelor of Commerce and how it prepares you for the future of work and a wide range of career opportunities. During this session you'll have the chance to deep dive into the scholarships available from the University of Sydney Business School including what applicants should keep in mind when applying and hearing from a past scholarship recipient about the impact it has made on them.
UTS Women in Engineering and IT Cooperative Scholarship
The Women in Engineering and IT Cooperative Scholarship is a cooperative education program between the University and sponsoring organisations. The aim of the program is to attract, retain and develop women in the fields of Engineering and Information Technology (IT). The scholarship will identify high achieving female students that have a passion and interest to pursue a career in Engineering or IT. The scholarship will include three (3) industry placements as well as mentoring, networking, leadership and professional development opportunities.
Value $66,000 + 3 internship placements
Duration 4 years
UTS The FEIT Women in Engineering and IT Scholarship
Closes 8 September
The FEIT Women in Engineering and IT Scholarship has been established with the goal of increasing the participation of women in Engineering and IT as a non-traditional area of study. The Scholarship will provide financial assistance for the first year of study in their chosen Engineering or IT degree.
Value $10,000 Duration 1 year
ACU - Business Studies Revision Webinar (NSW)
10 September
Give your exam preparation a boost with our free Year 12 Business Studies revision webinar.
This webinar will cover:
Business Studies topics 3 and 4: Finance and Human resources.
Please note: this is for Year 12 students in New South Wales.
ACU - Biology Revision Webinar (NSW)
11 September
Give your exam preparation a boost with our free Year 12 Biology revision webinar.
This webinar will cover:
Biology module 5 and 6: Heredity and Genetic change.
Please note: this is for Year 12 students in New South Wales.
ACU - Studies of Religion Revision Webinar (NSW)
12 September
Give your exam preparation a boost with our free Year 12 Studies of Religion revision webinar.
This webinar will cover:
Studies of Religion one unit topic: Religion and belief systems in Australia.
Please note: this is for Year 12 students in New South Wales.
SCU Domestic Student Preparation Programs
Start your journey to Southern Cross University today with our programs for domestic students. Dive into our Preparation for Success Program (PSP) to develop your study skills, or make the transition to university easier with our Transition to Uni program. Talk to our team about making sure you’re on the right path and get ready to take on the world.
SCU College’s Preparing for Success Program (PSP) is a 12-week full time or yearly part-time pathway program. PSP will help you develop the study skills necessary for success at university. Once you have completed your PSP through SCU College, you can move straight on to your Southern Cross University degree knowing that you are well-prepared for further study.
Transition to Uni
Do you want to study at university but are not sure how you will fare in your Year 12 results?
Our six-week Transition to Uni program removes all uncertainties from the equation. This free pathway program will guarantee you direct entry to Southern Cross University.
Southern Cross University - Online Open Day
27 August
Make 2025 your year to study and join us online on the 27 August.
At Southern Cross University, Open Day is a perfect opportunity to discover which courses spark your interest and the campus or study mode that works best for you. Learn why Southern Cross University was recently named in the Top 100 Young Universities and how our innovative study model is proving successful. Get the answers to your questions and find out how easy it is to apply.
7 September
Discover the progress you can make at UNSW Open Day. From exploring your study options at lectures and advisory zones, to campus tours and free food - Open Day is your chance to find out whether UNSW is right for you, and have fun while you’re at it.
UNSW Elite Athletes, Performers and Leaders 2025 Adjustment Factor Program Guide
Applications for the 2025 EAPL Adjustment Factor Scheme are now open. Please encourage your students to apply before the deadline on Sunday, 30 November.
NIE Webinar - Students applying to JCU for Medicine or Dentistry
24 August, 15 September or 20 September
Did you know that James Cook University does not require a UCAT score as part of the application process for medicine or dentistry?
However, a written application and letters of support are part of the competitive selection process for Dentistry. Also, while JCU medicine no longer has a written application and letters of support component, it is vital to be well prepared for your medical interview across all of the assessed areas.
NIE is conducting an informative workshop/webinar during which you will gain valuable insights, practical tips, and personalised advice to create a standout application for the Dental Degree program at James Cook University, as well as build knowledge for the medical interviews
NSW Department of Education Teacher Education Scholarship
Closes 13 September
If your future plans include completing an initial teacher education degree or you are currently studying to become a secondary mathematics, science, technological and applied studies (TAS) or English teacher or an inclusive/special education teacher teacher (K - 12), you could be eligible for the Teacher Education Scholarship.
The Teacher Education Scholarship provides financial support of up to $7,500 per year whilst studying full-time, a $6,000 appointment allowance and a permanent teaching position with the NSW Department of Education following successful completion of studies.
J.P. Morgan | Traineeship Program for Current Year 12 Students with HSC Certification by Early 2025
This 2-year full-time paid traineeship in Sydney will provide an opportunity for students to fast track a career and gain real world work experience within an international bank. Join J.P. Morgan’s Traineeship Program and experience the excitement of working in the fast-paced financial services industry. Learn how a 2-year Traineeship can give real-world skill sets while providing tools of the future:
TAFE NSW Fashion Design Studio
With a list of alumni that reads like a ‘who’s who’ of Australian fashion, the TAFE NSW Fashion Design Studio (FDS) in Ultimo is a “fashion school of excellence.” Consistently ranked in the top 20 fashion design schools worldwide*, FDS has over 60 years of creating fashion design excellence. Not only is the FDS the only fashion school in Australia to secure a placement at Afterpay Australian Fashion Week Australia (Australia’s premier fashion and lifestyle event showcasing Resort collections of Australia’s leading designer brands), but the Innovators Showcase – where the top seven FDS students show their creations – is treated by industry as one of the highlights of Fashion Week.
TAFE NSW Schools Launchpad is a different way to think about school and TAFE-delivered Vocational Education and Training (TVET). These 20 virtual courses combine teacher-led virtually delivered classrooms with workshops and work placements across a range of exciting career areas within growth industries.
Get a head start on a career by completing a TAFE NSW vocational education course, either at school or online, or earn while you learn with a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship. You can also do your post-school studies and choose from a diploma, degree or other pathway to university. This means you’ll be taught by expert teachers with strong industry connections, as well as have access to mentorships, internships and work placements in a real world environment, giving you invaluable experience and a great head start on your career.
NECA Electrical Apprenticeships Expression of Interest
Express your interest today for apprenticeships in all electrical fields.
NECA Electrical – View all the different types of electrical courses
Includes solar, battery and telecommunications courses.
How do I find a landscaping apprenticeship position?
There are many different ways to find an apprenticeship position, from contacting landscaping companies directly to listing yourself with apprenticeship organisations.
Through our representation at careers expos, our links to TAFE institutions, our active presence at landscaping and other expos, as well as our prominent website, we are often the first place individuals turn to in finding an apprenticeship position and we receive many calls and emails from employers looking to hire apprentices.
We can connect you with businesses looking to take on an apprentice in your area. Click on the link and scroll down to the bottom to fill in our ‘Apprenticeship Expression of Interest Form’ and we will contact you shortly to discuss apprenticeship opportunities.
There are companies that specialise in matching trade companies with apprentices. Contact us for details at team@landscapeassociation.com.au
Imagine a career in the Sign and Graphic Industry
The graphic design and sign manufacturing industry, also includes the router, engraving, laser and fabrication industries, and is without a doubt one of the largest manufacturing sectors in Australia. The industry has over 7,600 businesses. The value of production is worth many billions of dollars. In an industry this big there are many great career opportunities available almost anywhere in Australia.
Transport for NSW Apprenticeships - February 2025 Intake
Applications Close 28 August
Multiple listings for various NSW regions
Together, let’s connect with our communities and nurture relationships.
You’re ready to begin your career in an organisation passionate about helping you learn, grow, and succeed.
This role will see you get hands on training and experience whilst obtaining a nationally recognised qualification!
Get hands on training and experience whilst obtaining a nationally recognised qualification!
The below Apprenticeship programs will be based in Sydney, commencing in February 2025, so get ready to kick start your career with NSW’s leading Transport Agency, Transport for NSW!
- Electrical Apprenticeship
- Painter and Decorator Apprenticeship
- Fitter Apprenticeship
No previous experience is required – you’ll learn everything you need to know throughout the program.
Private Colleges
Sydney Actors School Applications now open
Applications to Sydney Actors School are now open for the January 2025 intake. Australia's premiere acting school has a clear vision; the school is about providing the most personalised, hands-on practical training in acting in the world. Sydney Actors School employs’ industry professionals with real credits. Many institutions will offer “industry professionals” as lecturers, however they have not worked at significant levels in the international film and TV industry. Our lecturers have had major impact in their chosen fields e.g.Philip Quast, Kevin Jackson and Julia Cotton. This is why many of lecturers’ are also the chairs and presidents of the guilds for their industry bodies. We are very selective across all disciplines. Entry to our accredited programs is by a strict audition and interview process. Our goal is not to fill seats with students and promise the world – we are serious about assisting students to launch their acting careers. This is why we have very limited enrolments and a thorough audition and interview process to gain enrolment into our acting courses
Sydney Film School - 2025 Applications Now Open
Applications to Sydney Film School are now open for the January 2025 intake. Hollywood based Variety Magazine has awarded Sydney Film School its top film schools for 2020 accolade. The only Australian film school to be awarded. Sydney Film School was founded to teach the essential filmmaking ‘tools’ necessary for a successful career in the global film industry.
Study a Bachelor of Screen Production with Sydney Film School and Excelsia College
To develop excellence in the art, craft and technology of production, we believe students crucially need critical thinking skills to analyse and evaluate current industry practices and strategically explore new modes of storytelling and dissemination whether it’s in a cinema or online. Sydney Film School, in partnership with Excelsia College, offers this unique model of training that is value-driven, industry informed, professionally sustainable and socially directed. It will appeal to creative students who believe in and want to be nurtured and inspired to make a positive difference in the world.
Orana Fashion Design School Early Entry
Applications for Early Entry to study at Orana are now open. Submit your application here and finish Year 12 with an Early Offer without all the stress.
AFTRS Bachelor of Arts Screen- Production
Closes 8 October
This course is full-time over three years and is designed for students with a passion and commitment to creating stories that are powerful and distinctively Australian. We’re eager to work with people from a diverse range of backgrounds who are imaginative, collaborative, and keen to develop their voice as Australian storytellers and contribute to the cultural and industrial landscape. AFTRS’ Bachelor of Arts Screen: Production has been developed in response to the needs of employers across the sector. The film, television and creative industries are looking for multi-skilled, adaptable content creators who are comfortable working in a variety of creative roles and can produce content across platforms.
Campion College Early Offer
Applications Close 30 September
Our Early Offer Scheme allows Year 12 students to fast track their Letter of Offer for 2025. We can support
you in receiving a conditional offer between 1 May-30 September, providing confidence and reassurance
that your place at Campion College in 2025 is secure.
As part of your application, you will need to submit school reports, written statements and referee details.
You will also undertake an interview with one of our academics. These stages in the process will allow you
to demonstrate your readiness for tertiary study, your commitment to the liberal arts tradition and your
potential to make meaningful contributions to the Campion College community based on your previous
educational and community involvement.
Le Cordon Bleu Sydney Open Day
17 August
Marvel at our professional chef lecturers who will host cooking demonstrations in cuisine and pâtisserie and see first-hand why our culinary courses are elite.
There will also be information seminars which will provide you with a Le Cordon Bleu overview, as well as our program content and structure. Plus, you’ll get to chat with our sales representatives and discover how our Industry Engagement team assists you with your learning, every step of the way.
October 3
Are you a current Year 12 student stressed about your upcoming HSC Exams? Don’t be! ICMS, in collaboration with Dymocks Tutoring, is thrilled to invite you to our FREE revision day on the 3rd and 4th of October 2024.
Throughout the day, you’ll have the incredible opportunity to attend 1, 2, or 3 sessions run by expert tutors from Dymocks. These sessions are designed to cover a range of subjects, including English, Mathematics, and Business Studies. Whether you’re looking for a comprehensive review of all modules, seeking valuable tips and tricks, or in need of practical guidance on how to excel in the HSC exam, this event is tailored to meet your needs.
Sessions Include:
- English: Common Module: Texts and Human Experiences
- English Module C: The Craft of Writing
- Mathematics Standard + Mathematics Advanced + Extension
- Business Studies - Operations, Marketing, Finance and Human Resources
- Economics - The Global Economy, Economic Issues, and Economic Policies and Management
- Legal Studies - Crime and Human Rights
28 August
You’ll hear from our inspiring Academic Director and meet our very talented current students talk about what it’s like to study at AIT. You will have the opportunity to speak to our friendly course advisor crew one-on-one and learn about the flexible learning options and pathways available, career outcomes, and more. You’ll get to meet the Admissions Team to discuss the admissions process or even better - Apply on the spot to save your seat in the next Intake!
Secure your place now in either our Film, 3D Animation, 2D Animation or Game Design Bachelor or Diploma Programs.
Imagine sitting your Year 12 exams knowing you’ve already been offered a place to study your dream course in 2D, 3D, Film or Game Design?
We care about your creativity, not your ATAR score so why wait until your scores are released?
Secure your place now by filling in our simple application form. Once we receive your expression of interest we’ll be in touch with a conditional letter of offer.
Police Force University Certificate in Workforce Essentials
If you are considering a career with the NSW Police Force, one of the first steps will be completing a foundation level program called the University Certificate in Workforce Essentials (UCWE) with Charles Sturt University. The course prepares you for the challenges of the Associate Degree in Policing Practice and is the mandatory academic requirement for all NSW Police Force applicants.
How to make the most of a gap year abroad
Taking a gap year is an opportunity for you to gain independence, have adventures, and learn practical skills. And there are many things to do in a gap year that’ll also look great on your resume. Planning your gap year carefully will allow you to get the most out of your time. Creating a structured gap year plan means you’ll have the time to tackle the big questions in life while you gain practical experience, and get to try out different career options in a real-world context.
You might even discover a new passion, or confirm that the path you were considering is the right one for you.
Make the most of your gap year by choosing a volunteer or internship program that fits your interests and goals. And rest assured by choosing from the best gap year programs that offer a safe and meaningful travel abroad experience.
Here are six awesome things to do in a gap year to help you make the most of your gap year experience.
NSW Department of Education Career Compass Webinars
Webinars on 26 August, 27 August and 29 August
Are you a student or industry professional considering a career as a teacher, or a current teacher looking for career enhancing opportunities? View the Career Compass webinar series to find out more about the exciting opportunities available to you within Australia’s largest education system.
The webinars cover topics including:
- scholarship and sponsorship programs for current and future teachers
- advice for submitting a scholarship application
- accreditation requirements to become a teacher in a NSW public school
- benefits and incentives offered to NSW public school teachers
- career development opportunities with the NSW Department of Education.
Melanie Bullock
Careers Advisor
From the College Counsellor
I would like to highlight another great free resource for parents and teens:
BRAVE Anxiety Program
The BRAVE Program is an interactive, online program for the prevention and treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety. The programs are free and providen ways for children and teenagers to better cope with their worries. There are also programs for parents. This self-directed, evidence based online program is for
children aged 3-17 who are displaying or reporting symptoms of anxiety.
Dimity Blank
School Counsellor